Dr. ir. Mark A.T. Mulder is chairman of the board and chairman of the exam committee of the EEi. Mark works at TEEC2 as Enterprise Engineer and is certified DEMO 3 Lecturer (trainer) and provides regular and on demand DEMO training.
Eveline Lans is treasurer of the EEi.
Janax Looij is secretary of the EEi.
Holke Visser is a board member of the EEi.
Tine de Mik is a board member of the EEi.
Erik Proper is a board member of the EEi.
David Aveiro is a board member of the EEi.
Dr. ir. Mark Mulder, chairman
Prof. Dr. Martin Op ‘t Land
Prof. Dr. ir. Jan Dietz
Prof. Dr. ing. Hans Mulder MSc. BA

Prof. Dr. ir. Jan Dietz is the spiritual father of DEMO, as well as honorary chairman and co-founder of the Enterprise Engineering Institute. He started the development of DEMO in 1990, basing it on the theories that he developed as professor at the University of Maastricht and (later) at Delft University of Technology, where he has been given the emeritus status in 2009. He has published several books on DEMO. As director of Sapio Enterprise Engineering, he has been lecturing DEMO since 1995, producing course materials, as well as participating in practical applications