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In order to master the diversity and the complexity of contemporary enterprises, theories are needed that separate the stable essence of an enterprise from the variable way in which it is realized and implemented.

Such a theory and a matching methodology, which has passed the test of practical experience, constitute the contents of this book.

 This book is a very accessible introduction to DEMO, the leading methodology in Enterprise Engineering.

 Are you looking for an accessible introduction into the essence of organizations? Sapio has recently published it under the title “Red garden gnomes don’t exist”, written by Jan L.G. Dietz.

In order to master the diversity and the complexity of contemporary enterprises, theories are needed that separate the stable essence of an enterprise from the variable way in which it is realized and implemented.

Such a theory and a matching methodology, which has passed the test of practical experience, constitute the contents of this book.

DEMO Methodology documents ^


DEMO Specification Language 4.8.1 2.63 MB 87 downloads


Het universele patroon van menselijke samenwerking v2.1 1.40 MB 226 downloads

Het universele patroon van menselijke samenwerking. …

DEMO Specification Language 4.7.2 4.10 MB 229 downloads

Conceptual models must be expressed in a suitable language in order to communicate…

BMEM 1.4 0.10 KB 1568 downloads

Example Exams: DEMO Bachelor ^


DB exam 20161207 ass 195.57 KB 79 downloads


DB exam 20161207 sol 372.54 KB 37 downloads


DB exam 20140704 ass 211.13 KB 20 downloads


DB exam 20141028 ass 67.40 KB 16 downloads


DB exam 20150407 ass 79.45 KB 16 downloads

Example Exams: DEMO Master ^


DM exam 20150804 ass 567.03 KB 36 downloads


DM exam 20161207 sol 352.38 KB 48 downloads


DM exam 20161207 ass 209.06 KB 38 downloads


DM exam 20150804 sol 874.26 KB 27 downloads

    Example Exams: DEMO Professional ^


    DP-4 mock exam ass 71.99 KB 2 downloads


    DP-4 mock exam sol v4 316.73 KB 42 downloads