
EAxpertise has developed a DEMO-plugin for Sparx Enterprise Architect. Their MDG DEMO4 for Sparx makes it possible to create DEMO models in a Sparx repository. In addition to the MDG, templates, useful scripts and an extensive […]

Simplified Modelling Platform

TEEC2 has developed a cloud based modelling platform which supports, among many other notations, DEMO modelling notation. Simplified Modeller supports the modelling of the complete essential model of an organisation, […]


Modelworld was a free online modeling tool and repository for the collaborative modeling of business architecture models and information system designs. Modelworld runs instantly in your browser. No plugins are required.

Open Modeling

Open Modeling is an open source web-based application to model and publish architecture models, procedures and related structured information. It supports DEMO versions 2, 3 and 4 with an active repository, connecting […]


DEMOworld is the online tool for process design and process simulation.In our modeling tool you can design any business process.The simulation tool shows the step-by-step flow for every individual employee who is involved in the process.

Joining forces towards a new EE Network

Over the next months, the CIAO! network, the EE-Network.eu, and the EE Institute will join forces to become an integrated network, concerned with the development of theory-based and practice-proven methods, […]


Until the agenda plugin is working, this is the EEi agenda: Exams DEMO 4 Wednesday 8 April 2020, 09:30-12:30, TEEC2 HoevelakenTuesday 7 July 2020, 09:30-12:30, TEEC2 HoevelakenWednesday 9 September 2020, […]