The Enterprise Engineering institute (EEi) supports high-quality education. As the DEMO exam institute, the EEi provides DEMO Lecturer certification to those who possess the required DEMO knowledge and didactical skills. All educators listed below guarantee that all DEMO related education is provided by certified DEMO Lecturers.

TEEC2 teaches a DEMO 4 Professional course, a DEMO 2/3 to DEMO 4 upgrade course and a DEMO 3 Master to DEMO 4 professional upgrade course. Either by open enrollment or on-demand / in-house.

Trives offers the DEMO training in a flexible format of 2×2 days. This allows participants to gain in-depth knowledge of the content while having ample time for practical applications and interaction.

VIAgroep teaches inhouse DEMO Awareness, Bachelor and Master courses on demand.

Avans+ focuses on working professionals who wish to improve their talents and career. DEMO is taught as part of the Master of ICT and Business Innovation. Both DEMO Bachelor and DEMO Master can also be followed as a separate masterclass module: Enterprise Engineering 1 or 2.

The Antwerp Management School teaches DEMO-4 Professional as module of the Executive Master of Enterprise IT Architecture. A student can also take 2 modules as Master Class Agile Enterprise Architecture & Engineering, without enrolling in the entire Executive Master Program.

The faculty of Information technology of Czech Technical University teaches the DEMO Bachelor course as part of its regular curriculum in the Master of Informatics program.

San Jose State University teaches DEMO Awareness and DEMO Bachelor in the regular curriculum of the Master of Science Engineering Management.

The Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI) of University of Madeira (UMa) teaches DEMO Bachelor and DEMO Master. Both courses are combined in the 7.5 ECTS course of Organizational Engineering offered to the programs of Master in Informatics Engineering, Master in Human and Computer Interaction and also to the PhD program in Informatics Engineering offered at M-ITI/UMa.