DEMO models are implementation independent. This implies such models can be (re)used by multiple organizations. The EEi encourages practitioners to develop and share models, for the benefit of all.

In recent DEMO Round Table events several practical modelling issues were discussed by experienced practitioners. Such patterns could be further researched as part of a thesis or course which applies case-based-learning.

A very practical introduction to the field of enterprise engineering. In the many cases Theo spots the ‘constructional errors’ of organizations, using the DEMO Construction Model. Theo uses somewhat adapted terminology, which is understandable for a management book.

There is also a dutch edition of the book.

EDEKX Publications ^


20240213 EDEKX DEMO update 2024 1.20 MB 27 downloads

    Interviews and Practicioner’s Publications ^


    Martin Op t Land Dissertatie 7.79 MB 57 downloads

    Case Studies ^


    Case Organization Design Service 574.34 KB 88 downloads


    KLM Air France fusie case 1.52 MB 80 downloads


    EEWC 2017 case report terlouw 255.59 KB 29 downloads


    EEWC 2017 case report babkin 203.37 KB 31 downloads

    Publications ^